Lesson 5-Ultimate Mashup-Widgets, Gadgets and Pipes

In this last lesson we are going add gadgets to your blog. On your sidebar, we will add content from your del.icio.us account, your LibraryThing account and a Flickr slide show. This lesson will be fairly easy and will give you time to catch up on previous lessons if you have not done so.

Create a Flickr slide show:

In one browser, open your blog. Click on the "Layout" tab. Click on "Create a Gadget". Click on "Slideshow". In the menu box choose Flickr as the source and make up a keyword for Flickr to create a slideshow in your blog. The default is "sunset". It's fun to experiment with different words for concrete entities or abstract ideas. Click on the "Save button". Click on "View Blog" and look at your slide show.

You've completed your first gadget.

Add your del.icio.us links to your blog.

Remain logged into Blogger and open your del.icio.us account in another browser. Click on the "Help" tab at the top of the page and then click on "Need tools?" from the drop-down menu. Under "Add your bookmarks and tags to your website or blog", click on "Tagrolls". Copy the HTML code generated in the box.

Go to your blog and, as you did before, go to the "Layout" page and click on "Add a Gadget". From the drop-down menu, click on "HTML/Java Script" Paste the code you copied from del.icio.us into the content box. Label the gadget "My del.icio.us Tags" and save. Click on "View Blog".

Add LibraryThing to your blog.

Open your LibraryThing account and click on the "blog widgets" tab in the far right-hand corner of the page. Copy the HTML code in the box.

Open your blog and again, go to "Add Widgets". From the drop down list, click on HTML/Java and paste the code into the content box. Click on "Save" and click on "View Blog"

You are done with adding gadgets to your blog.

Explore Dipity

Before you leave this page please explore a Dipity site I created called Five Things; here's the url: http://www.dipity.com/user/bslavin/timeline/Five_Things. In the site I put feeds from this Five Things blog, Millie's Whittemore Library blog and the Massachusetts Library Association Conference Reports.

It's fun to play around with the time lines and explore blog posts from different sources in the same time period.

Looking ahead to National Library Week
Sneak preview of newer mashups:

This is from Yahoo Pipes. I have added a pipe to this post and to the sidebar. It is derived from all items searched in Google described as "events and activities" and filtered to exclude everything but "Three Cups of Tea". This will be updated frequently.

And now a word to you using a Flickr mashup called "Spell with Flickr". The URL is http://metaatem.net/words/

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